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natural pure green coffee

السعر : 79

6/30/2020 11:39:28 AM

تفاصيل الاعلان

100%arbcica coarse grind unroasted pyramid _shaped bags delicate flavour with distinct notes of wine it contains aalrge amount of the chlorogenic acid (c c g a)and caffeine which has stimulating properties. *recommended for those who appreciate delicate flavours and want to stay in shape *from ecological farms original:Peru 20x 7g

(9 / 10 / 3600 )

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مفاتيح كلمات الإعلان

100 arbcica coarse grind unroasted pyramid shaped bags delicate flavour with distinct notes wine contains aalrge amount chlorogenic acid aand caffeine which stimulating properties recommended those appreciate delicate flavours want stay shape from ecological farms originalPeru 20x 7gnatural pure green coffee